This is an emergency draft in case I can't publish in time. This is a mental health peer support program curriculum book. The class runs five days a week, four days focusing on mental health work and one day for identity-building activities. Progress in therapy doesn’t happen in the session, it happens outside in the real world, and this program is just that- structured time to practice integrating mental health skills into your daily life. The program includes: (numbers estimated) - A program theory for your own reading that describes my ideas on psychology. - 6 simple snacks - 6 activities with lessons for practicing social skills in a group setting - 10 short, guided meditations - 60 coping skills - 40 journaling prompts
If you are not a licensed therapist and interested in facilitating this class, please review local guidelines to make sure you are not practicing without a license. Encourage clients to see a professional if they have questions regarding medical advice. Some aspects of the program may be challenging to facilitate for someone that does not have experience as a peer support group facilitator or peer support specialist.
If you are a licensed therapist, feel free to add your own clinical practices to the program.
If you are someone who has no interest in teaching a class, you may find it helpful to practice exercises on your own. The book is educational, and not a replacement for medical advice, so see a professional if you are having mental health struggles.
I completed the content of the book in November of 2022. Since then my ideas on psychology have expanded, and this will not be reflected until the second edition is published.