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Why the Sustainable Development Goals haven't been met- and why they're worth it.

Why haven't the sustainable development goals been met?

You can argue that government's don't care enough. But in the US, the majority of people's lives fall under local government, and I doubt that every mayor, city council, and board of supervisors has been approached with a personalized policy plan to achieve the goals in their city.

Citizens have an undeniable impact on whether solutions get implemented by their government or through community action. But the only public education programs on the goals are about lifestyle changes for the environment and some classes on public policy- the only other reccomended actions are making donations.

Lots of sites that have information regarding the goals are very neglectful in an effort to "avoid politics". A book on the Sustainable Development goals using my favorite systems- thinking model felt woefully incomplete and un-inclusive.

I find these stances ironic considering the Sustainable Development goals are arguably the world's largest leftist initiative.

The goals call for an end to violence, hunger, and inequality. It calls for stable governments and environmental sustainability. And it calls for this to happen by 2030. If you sat down and thought of realistic ways to achieve this, "If this were the goal, what would need to change?" It is deeply leftist and very radical.

I've read plenty of criticisms about the goals, mainly being that the language wasn't progressive enough. And to that I argue, are we playing a lawful-evil character in a political DnD game or are we fighting for human rights? Just because the language isn't perfect doesn't mean we should put weight on words rather than the spirit of the goal.

The left's single biggest problem is lack of organization. The sustainable development goals is a comprehensive call to organize, and it is the perfect solution.

Now clearly organizing the left isn't what's happened so far. Why's that? Organizations like the UN are made of a very large number of people. Some of them care deeply about their work and the people they serve. Others are their shitty coworkers- only there to stir up trouble or uphold complacency; that's the nature of government. Working on the Sustainable Goals is important to support the work of those that care. And those that don't? Then we can give them exactly what they asked for.

Getting the goals achieved by 2030 will take revolutionary-level action. Before that happens, we need a solid plan on what happens after. Without that, we run the risk of recreating the same historical conditions under a new name.

So what's the plan?

Use divergent thinking in a systems thinking model to develop solutions in solidarity with communities, execute planning with people who are educated, intelligent, and experts of their field, and create solutions personalized to each country and state.

I don't have much time to work on this plan, so I'll give you what I worked on so far, feel free to add to it. Check the next posts. Out of all the goals there's a few I wrote a lot about, and a lot I didn't write anything about.

One day it would be great if the posts on the goals could go on some sort of wiki. The goal of this is to inspire organizing and action, and that goes against the rules of a lot of wikis. Once it’s on a platform like that, it’s be good to advertise to all other SDG groups, especially on social media. It would also be important to advertise on different leftist social media groups, such as feminist/BIPOC/disabled etc. Then make advertisements to specific countries. When doing this it would be good to make a digital safety resource list as well as provide resources on the safety of advocacy on different topics based on country.

It’s really difficult for me to read, so I never actually got through the systems thinking book. I think there are better ways to categorize systems thinking solutions, this is all I got for now.

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