Something to keep in mind while reading this is the alternative to morals:
There is no such thing as a bad person. There is no such thing as a good person.
There is only brain chemistry and environments. This is a model I designed to describe why people do evil things. Because I'm running out of time, I didn't get a chance to make a digital version. In the digital version, it would be a combination of the two pictures with the venn diagram and the pancake-shaped attachment.
The darker the area, the higher the likelihood of an evil action being committed. The thick line in the first photo is supposed to represent bio-situational factors, which I later changed to be represented by the pancake shaped attachment.
The main points of the venn diagram- each circle has a gradient (I did not shade in the photo). Here are the circle gradients:
High Morality > Low Morality & Low Awareness
Morality references a individual's personal beliefs about what is moral. Low Awareness represents the times people do bad things because they don't know that it's bad- either because they were abused and don't understand, or because they can't see the consequences of their actions because of a priviledged world view, or the indirect nature of capitalistic violence. Too much awareness can definetely cause harm as well, but I'm not sure the best way to represent that right now.
Weak urge /High control > Strong Urge /Low control
This is about the urge to do something bad. Doing bad things feels good for a lot of people- it's a power trip, it soothes their insecurities. Control is about the ability to control the impulse to do something bad. Someone who struggles with dysregulation is going to have a more difficult time controlling the impulse.
It's important to note that someone can have high morality and struggle with strong urges. They will put a lot more effort into managing these urges and taking preventative measures.
Present Accountability > Unpresent Accountability
If there is a strong system of accountability that expects good behavior, people will avoid doing the wrong thing. Without any systems of accountability, many people commit evil actions. Accountability systems are both external and internal. An example of an internal accountability system being gone can be seen in some types of dementia- one type causes the person to not care what others think of them, so they do things that are wrong because there are no internal social obligations to do the right thing. Religion can also be an internal accountability system in reference to the times no one is watching a person except for a higher power; organized religion does have aspects of social obligation.
Unpresent accountability can also relate to excessive, unpredictable accountability. A person might have a "fuck it" attitude regarding their actions when they can't avoid or learn to avoid punishment no matter what they do.
Biosituational factors
These are a combination of the interaction of external and biological factors that lead to violent actions. There can be very, very many biosituational factors and each has a different level of impact. Examples include:
-temperatures above 95 degrees farenheit
-poor air quality
-side effects of medication
-abuse and neglect
Biosituational factors are stacked on one another, each covering the diagram with a transparent shade.
Extreme biosituational factors can not be overcome. They are represented by the darkest shade of pancake that covers the whole diagram. It is when someone is forced to do something wrong against their will. These extreme biosituational factors are so strong that anything on the venn diagram becomes completely irrelevent- it does not matter what a person's morals, urges, or external accountability systems are, they commit the action they are forced to do. An example of this is coersion through torture.
That is why people commit abusive action. Neglect is an evil of equal severity.
But the neglect diagram primarily shows good actions!
The darker the color, the more likely someone is to commit a good deed. Neglect is represented by the white color. In this diagram I did not shade the gradient for each of the circles.
weak urge/strong urge is the urge to do good.
Morality and accountability is flipped in it's location on the chart compared to the other graph. Do not mistake the structure of the two.
Biosituational factors can include things like:
-time poverty
-social anxiety from external stress
-physical inability
Biosituational factors are represented by white transparent pancakes.
An extreme biosituaitonal factor, solid white, is when someone can't do the right thing no matter how much they want to. An example could be something like an extremely severe disability without any accomodations or support- a person might literally not be able to do anything no matter how much they want to because they physically and/or mentally can't.