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The Rules to the Game of Life

Laws are the rules of the game- the game of life. They don't just apply to to government. They also apply to the core structures of today's society, like economics and culture. Legal Law, Economic Law, and Social Law are the most important today. Aside from scientific laws, but those you can't really change.

Laws have a voting element, where each individual decides what they support. There are leaders that set and influence decisions. There are jurisdictions that define areas a leader can influence and areas an individual can make a decision. Laws that define what is believed to be right or wrong. There are consequences for breaking laws.

Laws will be different depending on where you live. This is a template to consider how laws are defined in your area:

____ law voting happens _______. Leadership is determined by ______. Laws are created by ________. ________ jurisdictions are based on the ______, ____ and _____ level. Consequences for breaking laws are decided by _______ and enforced by ________. Consequences include ____.

The examples I have described below are relevant to where I live.

Legal Law

Legal law voting happens in November at polling stations. It is cyclical. Leadership depends on who receives the most votes. Laws are passed by the people who were voted to make the decision, and are created by people as bills. Anyone can make a bill, but it takes a lot of effort. Legal jurisdictions are based on the city, county, state, and federal level. Consequences for breaking laws are decided by people who make laws and enforced by a system of police, courts, and other staff. Consequences range from fines, incarceration, and in some cases death. Legal laws are developed by governing bodies. There are different types of governments.

-A written government is the government "on paper" and are what is viewed as internationally recognized.

-A covert government is an entity that has similar legal power as a government but is not recognized on paper. Common examples include corporations and criminal organizations.

Descriptors of written and covert governments can help understand their relationships.

-An actual government holds a significant majority of political power. -An additional government holds political power that is close to equal to an actual government. -A partial government holds political power that is significant but less than equal.

Social Law

Social laws are a culture's ideas and characteristics on acceptable behavior. It can be voted on in social media spaces with likes and dislikes. In religious areas, social law may be determined by religious leaders who use similar structures as governments. Leaders are influencers both on and off social media, commentators, writers, and artists across a variety of genres. Jurisdictions can be social media groups, physical communities of people and ideological & philosophical groups.

Some leaders attempt to make social law reform by stating cultural attitudes a providing counter attitudes.

Social law is different than what is healthy and normal.

-What is healthy is determined by the community.

-What is socially acceptable is what people have understood as acceptable by other people through law.

-What is normal is what is common, which may be different from what is socially acceptable or healthy.

Social Law Example, in the context of social media:

Social law voting happens on social media platforms through likes, dislikes, and views. Leadership depends on people who create content, especially those who have the largest audiences. Content creators propose laws through written and video format. These leaders are voted on through subscriptions. Laws relating to likes and dislikes are decided by individual viewers. Laws relating to views are created by individuals and the social media company. Social law jurisdictions are global and based on the language of the audience and content, as well as the target audience's culture. Social law power jurisdiction is based on niches. Consequences for breaking laws are decided by viewers and the social media company and are enforced by reporting, banning, and sometimes cancelling.

Economic Law

Economic law is about the flow of money and the power it is given. This example does not include the capitalistic aspects of employment since that is intertwined with social and legal law. Some people attempt to make economic law reforms through boycotts and supporting alternative businesses.

Economic Law Example:

Economic law voting happens through payment. People who have less money have less options as to who they vote for. Economic law leadership includes entrepreneurs, founders, CEO's, freelancers, and high management positions. Laws are created by the people with the most money- often the heads of corporations. Economic law jurisdictions are based on what is on the market available for purchase and the amount it sells for. Market availability is a combination of what people are selling and what is being sold, as well as and what people are allowed to buy based on platforms or requirements customers must meet to be allowed to make the purchase from the seller. Examples of jurisdiction boundaries include credit scores, debt levels, and payment methods like cash, virtual payments, and bank cards. For people receiving government assistance, jurisdictions are set by the government through rules about what can be purchased and where. The amount it sells for is about how affordable it is to make the purchase. An oversimplified way of viewing jurisdictions is by wealth class: low income, middle income, and high income. Consequences for breaking laws are decided by the wealthiest people and enforced by the government and other corporations. Consequences include fines, debt, lowered credit score, blacklisting, firing/coerced resignation, putting out of business, and the same consequences that a government provides. Those are the rules of life. What rules can you think of? Do think there are better rules? Let me know in the comments below.

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