This is in response to a video by philosophytube.
If you look at my baseline model, love is accessible in levels 1-4. Many people in 5, 6, and 7 find that love hurts. Love sucks. They will avoid it. People in baselines 5-7 may lean towards conservativism, because its an easy answer to a hard life. People in those baselines on the left may, appropriately so, turn to extremism or warfare- love is no longer an option. If I had more time my thoughts would be more developed and maybe a little different but here's the over-simplified version.
The left also does not exist in the US. There are very high exit costs for leaving the cult of US conservatism, and for many I imagine these exist costs are so high they are not survivable. There are very few truly leftist people, organizations, and mutual aid networks. We have a lot to do, folks. It can be done, take baby steps. We can do this.