Barefoot Doctor Book- only the healthy lifestyles.
It would have a section on the ideal healthy lifestyle. This is important because most modern illnesses are caused and solved through lifestyles.
Living a healthy lifestyle feels impossible. It takes an extensive amount of work. But the reason this work is difficult comes down to an issue of friction- it's difficult because it goes against the grain.
If modern culture was based on a healthy lifestyle, it would not feel any more difficult than being on your phone before bed. It may seem difficult, but it is only difficult without a sense of obligation and duty. Praying at the same time everyday is a task that may seem annoying- a boring interruption from whatever is going on. But for a religious person, it is often a grounding activity that is well worth whatever interruption it may cause.
One could argue that an unhealthy person would hate a healthy lifestyle just as much as a nonreligious person would hate prayer. But if being healthy was your culture, you wouldn't hate it because you wouldn't even realize it was there. It is the flip side of people who are unhealthy but do not conciously decide to live that way.