ADD: Reality Model as edited in the introduction/theory of the other book.
Some people are gardens some are machines. Organizations are the same. Ask: what does this organization respond to?
Who is the audience?
What is the idea?
When did the idea first come about?
Where (in what contexts) is this idea something that needs to be considered?
Why is the idea important enough to be considered in the book?
***Mark the most important ones differently from everything. Don’t overwhelm people.***
Table of contents-ish
Personal Work
How to categorize information
How to make a group
Dream Team
Reality Model Introduction
Reality Mapping
Factors and Priors
Law Introduction
Legal Law
Social Law
Economic Law
Responsibility Pie (maybe don’t do percentages. Just do generic like big & small)
Identifying intention/SMART Goals
Legal Justice
Add: Locus of control
Add: Fuel/Friction
Add: Solving/Trading/Adding
(On the website there can be idea-based tools like the ones above -include others similar ideas, not just the ones that you took from psychology and other places. Give credit-, and general tools that anyone can contribute to.)
***add martin luther king thing.
***I couldn’t find it??
I was thinking about each category being divided into the following channels:
Educational links, for people to put information they think is relevant.
Vocabulary, which is basically words and concepts people will need to understand in order to succeed in the channel. I think it would be awesome to have flashcards available- does anyone know of a good flashcard service that people could use?
Responsibility Pie- this is basically identifying the levels of responsibility among everyone, specifically how much responsibility they have and what that responsibility is.
What can I do- this is basically if someone just learned about the issue, what can they do to help solve it.
To-Do List- this is for people to keep track of the things they are working on
Reality- This is what’s actually happening, will happen, or has happened.
Normal- This is what can be adjusted. Get to a ‘new normal’
Boundaries- this is what is healthy
Personal Work:
-read 100 pages a day
-personal growth specific to making change
Make a google folder.
Make a menu
Make a to-do-list
If it’s big, make folders within the folder such as “last closed windows”
Make a sources list. (for good future habits!)
Make a list of questions you have.
Make a list of terms you need to know in order to succeed.
Make a list of concepts you are learning, or concepts you need to learn to succeed.
Write bullet point information that you know you need to know, but you don’t understand yet.
Don’t do it perfectly. Do it in the way you will learn. Don’t burn yourself out trying to follow a format.
Make sure to mark copy and pasted information. This will prevent plagiarism in the future.
If a portion of information isn’t making sense as you are trying to make progress, move it to a separate area so you don’t get stuck on it. As you learn, you will figure out what it means later.
Write down notes and observations. Ex. I keep running into ____. I wonder why.
The biggest hurdle your group will face is democracy. Democracy takes extensive time and effort, and many ideas and decisions can get killed by simply running out of time to discuss it. Use these tools for your group to be more cohesive.
-Have an established philosophy, ideology, or frame of reference that the group is based off of.
-Have an established knowledge base that all group members must understand in order to be part of the group.
-Develop group priorities around what types of democratic decisions are most important.
-Develop workgroups around decisions and topics that are not important for everyone to attend.
What people need to be part of the group:
The people in your group are those who are both interested and able to attend.
On the menu/at the table.
The people who know how to solve the problem are rarely in problem solving spaces. Why? For lived experience experts, it takes extensive emotional labor with little, if any, reward. The consequences of not succeeding are both personal and extreme. Solution experts become frustrated when approval for their ideas is dependant both on people who lack the intellect to understand their ideas and people who are too emotionally stunted to care. Forecaster experts are devastated by knowing what will happen without the ability to prevent what will happen- which is often dependent on people who deny reality or people who don’t believe prevention matters.
The ‘dream team’ members below are the core of the team. I personally have noticed that the people who belong to the above roles are regularly dismissed, which is the purpose of the two team roles at the bottom.
Lived Experience Expert
This is the person who has the problem. They share their experiences anonymously. Anonymity is important for protecting identity and general harm reduction.
Solutions Expert
This is a person who is both extremely knowledgeable, very creative, and an intellectual genius. Their wide knowledge base includes information about the problem and effective altruism concepts.
Forecaster Expert
This is a person who can accurately estimate future events by studying and tracking historical, societal, cultural, economic, and environmental patterns. The forecaster must have a knowledge base that includes information relevant to the problem needing to be solved.
Buffer Expert
This is a faithful ally that uses their privilege, social connections and social skills to help implement the solution that the Lived Experience, Forecaster, and Solutions Expert have decided on. They have enough personal distance from the problem to effectively work with people who are ignorant, high conflict, or have negative intentions without taking serious mental health hits.
Message Expert
This is a person who has experience in storytelling, and can share about the solution that the Lived Experience, Forecaster, and Solutions Expert have decided on in a way that effectively increases public awareness and support.
Solving a problem is similar to entrepreneurship. There are multiple issues entrepreneurs run into.
The first problem is whether their idea is a good one. To succeed, entrepreneurs must provide a solution to a problem. It starts with an idea. Is the idea something that needs to be solved, can be solved, or should be solved? Is it a solution for a problem that only exists for the entrepreneur? (Otherwise known as scratching an itch) Developing a solid idea is what the Lived Experience Expert helps with.
The second problem is how to execute the idea. People often say that ideas are cheap, and the real question is whether you can make it happen. This is what the solution expert helps with. While they aren't executing the solution themselves, they can give ideas and feedback on how to go about making the idea happen in the most efficient way possible.
The third problem is external factors. A solid idea executed perfectly can fall to ruin through poor timing and seemingly unpredictable events. Anyone who's lived through a pandemic or similar event knows how quickly plans can go to crap. A forecaster who knows pandemics happen about every 100 years can give you a range of time to prepare for something and backup plans or alternatives to take into consideration.
—-----------------PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION TOOLS—----------------------
A problem half-stated is a problem half-solved.
I say a problem mostly stated is most likely to be solved.
Reality Model
Add factors that lead to an event: take a look at one incident and identify all factors that lead to the situation. (Ripple circles getting bigger)
Certainty is a combination of security and safety in yourself, in the people around you, in your environment, and in your future. Certainty that you succeed in your work, that you are a good friend, a good partner. Certainty that you know who you are, that you know the people closest to you, that you can trust them. Certainty that you have a place to live, that the place you live will still exist at the end of the day.
It is an unfortunate fact that in this world, nothing is certain. The job you have today, you may not have tomorrow. The place you live today, you may not have tomorrow. The family you have today you may not have tomorrow. Your life you have today you may not have tomorrow.
What I have found is that the overwhelming majority of people I have met have a certainty that is based in illusion. My own certainty was based on illusion for many years. I myself lived in the illusion of a certainty that is not based in reality. The illusion of certainty I had created was based on the resources I believed existed, the people I thought I knew, and the person I thought I was.
Why is this? It will be explained later in the chapter.
The only certainty that exists is reality. Reality is unchanging. People can believe whatever they choose to believe. Two people can experience the same event and can have vastly different memories of what happened, and different belief systems to explain the causes of what happened. The certainty exists in that regardless of what they believe happened, there is only one reality that explains what actually happened. (There may or may not be alternate universes, but we are talking about Earth.)
TLDR: The basis for the reality model is that mutual understanding and collaboration can uncover what is reality, and the knowledge of reality can be used to create solutions that are based on reality, and therefore significantly more likely to succeed.
So with everyone who has different memories and beliefs of what is real, how do you find out what is actually real?
One way to find out is using a reality map.
Untrue Conspiracies Denial Neutral Reality Classified
Negative (True Conspiracies)
This map is a spectrum. Left-to-right measures reality and denial, and down-to-up measures negative, neutral, and positive experiences and beliefs. The longer someone spends time thinking about things closest to the end of the right or left side of the spectrum, the more they lose their mind.
How is something measured as positive or negative, when they are judgements? Positives and negatives can be defined in the manner in which our physiology breaks down or is healed. (need to figure out how to explain the positives in both corners, as well as growing pain/health pain)
-the term that Dr.K used.
The majority of things can be placed on the neutral area of the spectrum. Positives and negatives address extremes, and should only be used to identify the difference between things like genocide and world peace, and never the difference between things that have relatively similar QALYs.
-write the story that therapy in a nutshell said.
On the side of denial, the joy of believing that racism ended in the 1960’s is very different from the fear of believing that __________.
Sincere pain versus addictive pain.
It turns out that memories and belief systems differing from reality are often caused by denial.
*There needs to be a way to decide what is added to the Untrue Conspiracy List. Because you don’t want true conspiracies to actually end up there.
Classified Information:
-If information was made public, the person presenting the information would be harmed or killed.
-If information was made public, other people would be harmed or killed.
It is possible to predict outcomes using reasoning.
It is very easy to see something fail and say “Of course it failed! They didn’t think about x-y-z.”
Some of these people do this because they like to complain and nothing will make them happy.
Some of these people actually knew it was going to fail, and did not speak up because they felt they would not be listened to. Sometimes they feel this way because many people have already expressed the same concerns of failure, and they were not listened to.
*Maybe use a table, like times tables!* (to help categorize intersectionality)
Factors that can be used to predict outcomes:
How does an “average” person function? (Neurotypical and/or Abled)
How do “non-average” people function? (Neurodivergent and/or Disabled)
In reference to specific situations.
What cultures need to be identified? Define it.
What do these cultures value?
What do these cultures “other” or reject?
How do these cultures intersect?
How effective is communication across these cultures?
What does the economic system incentivize?
In the context that history is cyclical, what are the current trends pointing towards?
What is the environment like? (Weather, temperature, habitats, living spaces, geography)
Additional: In specific context to this situation, what other factors need to be taken into consideration?
Random: Based on all factors above, what information is still missing? How can the missing information be discovered?
(Ex. Narcissistic Family Dynamics)
Law is described as the rules of the game- the game of life. There's lots of different kinds of laws. The three that will be focused on today are described below.
Legal Law
Social Law
Economic Law
Examples will be different depending on where you live. These examples are relevant to where I live.
____ law voting happens _______. Leadership is determined by ______. Laws are created by ________. ________ jurisdictions are based on the ______, ____ and _____ level. Consequences for breaking laws are decided by _______ and enforced by ________. Consequences include ____.
I. LEGAL LAW (figure out how to address evolutionary characteristics)
Government/Actual Government/Covert Government
Legal Law Example:
Legal law voting happens in November. It is cyclical. Leadership depends on who receives the most votes. Laws are passed by the people who were voted to make the decision, and are created by people as bills. Anyone can make a bill, but it takes a lot of effort. Legal jurisdictions are based on the city, county, state, and federal level. Consequences for breaking laws are decided by laws and enforced by a system of police, courts, and other staff. Consequences range from fines, incarceration, and in some cases death.
-Social Law. These are a culture's ideas and characteristics on acceptable behavior. It can't be voted on. (With the exception of likes) It can be reformed.
Healthy vs. Normal vs. Socially Acceptable
What is healthy is determined by the community. What is socially acceptable is what people have heard as acceptable by other people. What is normal is what is common, which may be different from what is socially acceptable.
Cultural Attitudes:
Generalized Attitude / Counter Attitude
(Journalism Ethics- no validating the invalid)
Social Law Example:
Social law voting happens on social media platforms through likes, dislikes, and views. Leadership depends on people who create content, especially those who have the largest audiences. Content creators propose laws through written and video format. Content creators are voted on through subscriptions. Laws relating to likes and dislikes are decided by individual viewers. Laws relating to views are created by individuals and the social media company. Social law jurisdictions are global and based on the language of the audience and content, as well as the target audience's culture. Consequences for breaking laws are decided by viewers and the social media company and are enforced by reporting, banning, and sometimes cancelling.
To account for inflation, use the real values versus the other value (look up the terms)
Economic Law Example:
Economic law voting happens through payment. People who have less money have less options as to who they vote for. Laws are created by the people with the most money.
. ________ jurisdictions are based on the ______, ____ and _____ level. Consequences for breaking laws are decided by the wealthiest people and enforced by ________. Consequences include ____.
In politics, communication is complicated. Some people are direct, some people are indirect, some people lie, some people don’t have a clue.
So how do you find out what a person’s intention is? One way is by using the following chart:
Intention: ______________________________ (This is completed at the end)
Goal: ________________________________
Specific: (What is the goal?)
Measurable: (How will you know when it’s completed?)
Attainable: (Is this goal possible?)
Realistic: (Is it possible for this group to achieve the goal?)
Time-Bound: (When will this goal be achieved by?)
Idea Execution: __________________________
Will the idea execution achieve the goal?
If yes, the intention is to meet the goal.
If no, identify all possible factors to accurately describe intention.
When filling this out, leave the intention blank until the end.
The goal is the idea. Write down the goal. Use the SMART goal method. With the SMART goal method, there are plenty of areas where people may write things that aren’t based in reality. This is where input from locals/lived experience experts are important, as well as using the Reality Model. For the ‘Realistic’ portion of the SMART goal, it is unlikely for the group to solve this issue alone. This is where you identify the locus of control and responsibility pie.
Write down what the plan is to achieve the goal. This is the idea execution. It’s the most important yet most difficult part. It’s why entrepreneurs often say that ideas are cheap. What matters is if a person is capable of implementing the idea. This is where input from geniuses/solution experts are important.
Impact is whether the execution of the idea achieves the goal. Sometimes the most seemingly perfect plans have grave unintended consequences. If the intention is to meet the goal, then changing the idea execution plan won’t matter. Use the reality model to accurately assess impact- don’t change a great plan just because you don’t directly see the change, or because the change isn’t happening immediately.
-Just Law
-Just Law Enforcement
-Broken Just Law Prevention
***Remember the tools:
In some year there was a war. A journalist wrote in the newspaper about how the US communicated through a special code. The Germans also read the newspaper, thus having a key to the code. Don't be that journalist. Don't expose tools.
***Consider having a TOR version.
There would be a conservative media black list.
What I realized was this is similar to that idea on religion- I would use this model so people could learn what I learned to grow and figure it out on their own as fast as possible. But there are shortcomings.
Choose your own adventure as a way to literally put yourself in someone else's shoes. This can be for a variety of different situations. Journalists do interviews with people who have lived experience as well as using statistics to develop what happens to the characters.
Physical and mental illness are not choices.
Homeless in California- choose your own adventure
Start by entering some demographic information to identify privilege.
The scenario for how the person becomes homeless is chosen for the person. It needs to be something that's unavoidable/out of their control.
The more times someone says 'yes' to things that crosses their boundaries, (ex. services and other things) the more likely they are to say yes to a sex trafficking situation.
The more they get rejected, the higher their learned helplessness levels get.
Demographic form
Sociological (all) and cultural (specific to area)
Add this to ideas to add to the website:
Political legislative Groups getting along:
Comedy Show
Narc prevention questions:
-What mistake did you make?
-What were you wrong about?
-Who did you make an apology to?
UN website:
This philosophy is applied to:
The UN Global Goals
The UN International Human Rights