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Efficiency versus Productivity- and why the difference can end capitalism.

Efficiency is different from productivity.

Productivity is the state of producing.

Efficiency achieves productivity without waste or expense.

Productivity is harmful. As humans with biologically evolved needs, we need rest. We need to sleep. We need to have fun.

In comparison to productivity, efficiency is about thinking smarter, not harder.

In capitalism, the focus on productivity instead of efficiency is what creates so much suffering. Abuse is productive. When it comes to getting other people to do tasks, asking politely takes time, negotiation, reiteration, and patience. Force is fast and simple.

People who abuse are often referred to as "energy vampires" because everyone who has to deal with them feels fatigued. But one thing that isn't thought about is how often times they seem to have an never-ending ability to do things. It's almost as if they consume the energy they steal. It makes them more productive to outsource their stress and steal energy from others.

Being on the receiving end of abuse makes a person less productive. In the short term adrenaline can help with task completion but repeated stress in the long term it causes serious health problems that limits the ability to work or even live independently. In a system where productivity is most important, the only people that can succeed are those who abuse the most and receive the least abuse.

Abuse may be productive, but it is not efficient. A core characteristic of abuse is dysfunction- this is the opposite of efficient. Abuse is a twisted type of instant gratification, and that always leads to long term decay. The twisted nature of abuse is imidiately visible, but the dysfunction that reduces productivity isn't seen until later. The worker gets less breaks and the extra work load is completed that day; but they become unmotivated and don't care about the quality of work, get burned out and quit. The company loses a valuable, experienced employee that once had the spark to be passionate about work. Efficiency would be the best of everything; an upwards cycle. Workers are incentivized to do work that allows them to feel fulfilled and passionate. They are incentivized to help the company succeed. For this to work, they are rewarded for effort, respected with appropriate wages. necessary breaks, and a healthy and safe working environment. It is employee-owned.

If the highest value in capitalism was efficiency instead of productivity, abuse could not exist because abuse is not efficient.

Achieving efficiency can be difficult.

The first thing to do is ensure basic workers rights. Good wages, unions, paid sick and family leave, etc.

Addressing dysfunction is hard. Dysfunctional people are not self aware. And they are the way they are for a reason- they way they do things works for them in a messed up way.

The easiest thing to do to address dysfunction is by identifying and addressing healthy and unhealthy behaviors and beliefs. Toxic systems in the workplace and on a societal level strongly relate to abuse dynamics in families. People bring their home problems to work, and they need to solve it like it needs to be solved at work- therapy. But therapy doesn't matter if people don't put in effort to change, and if they refuse to change they must be held accountable and if neccessary, fired. If people are they way they are because their way works, make it stop working by providing consequences.

After that, you're left with people that are motivated to make things improve. That's efficient.

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