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A better way to distribute social services.

We have a distribution problem.

Social services are often difficult to find, get into, and use. This inefficiency harms people who need help. Services like 211 can add to learned helplessness when it provides outdated contact information. The following is a description of a website that can solve this.

To summarize, the website would have a linkable and searchable glossary on definitions of services, a filtered services search engine, optional accounts, and messaging and document sharing for communicating with case managers.

Base set of Definitions

When you hear the word ‘supportive living services’ what comes to mind?

I’ve found many case managers think of a housing program where clients are assigned a case manager and/or a therapist.

Supportive Living Services are actually the customized support someone typically with developmental differences receives in the residence of their choice- which isn’t necessarily a housing program.

For example, a person with autism lives in their own apartment, and a supportive living staff member comes by in the mornings on an as-needed basis to help them get ready for work and plan meals. Services are customized, so when they are doing well they might not use services very often, and when they are not doing well they might need support for a longer portion of the day every day.

When someone is trying to find a service, it’s important that everyone is on the same page about what they’re looking for.

In some situations, people know what they need, but don’t know what the name of that type of service is. It can be difficult to find what it’s called if you don’t have the words to search it up.

Having a base set of definitions and descriptions of what different services are called can help people seeking services and service providers get on the same page on what a person’s needs are.

It could also help people learn about services that they didn’t know existed, and find services that fit their needs better.

For example someone might try getting EBT hot meal benefits, but not know that a home delivery meal program exists and they qualify for it.

The base set of definitions needs to be organized by type of service such as food, housing, healthcare, and other categories that would allow people looking for services to find what solution would best fit them.

A base set of definitions could also be shared with and used by other communities to identify their own community needs and opportunities.

Search Engine

People would be able to search for services a few ways:

-They could enter the name of the type of service as seen in the glossary

-They could enter their situation by filling out a demographic/intake questionnaire filter and get search results for all services that they may need, or may be available to them.

-They could search for information about services using filters on the Effective Resource List, seen below.

-People could also search for all the services automatically available to them based on statuses such as recipients of SSI/SSDI, EBT, or CalWORKS.

Trying to collect data on what communities need can take years and solutions are often far later. The search engine would collect data on what community needs are in real time, so organizations and policy makers can respond quickly.

For services that are closed to new clients, when people go to exit out of the page a popup could ask people to choose from a few options, including “I need this service, please fund this” and “I’m just browsing”

Effective Resource List

Below is a list of information that each program listing on the search engine would have.

Read the full list explanation here.

Effective Resource List Criteria

  1. Program Type

  2. Program Name

  3. Provider

  4. City/Location

  5. Hours of operation

  6. What the service is, in addition to a detailed description of what the services offered are, and who they are provided by.

  7. Eligibility requirements

  8. Cost to participant and/or insurance accepted

  9. Requirements to stay enrolled

  10. Waiting list and priority enrollment

  11. What the Intake process is

  12. Contact information for the intake coordinator

  13. Contact information for at least one other staff member

  14. Funding source

  15. Contact for filing a grievance

  16. Accessibility

  17. Special circumstances

  18. Date the information was last updated


It would be important for people to be able to make accounts- especially those with frequent, consistent, fluctuating, or higher needs.

The idea behind this website with an account is that it would consolidate every person’s needs across different sectors and systems within sectors. Ideally, it would replace conflicting systems entirely. The search engine would help people find what they qualify for based on their situation and needs, while an account would help those with changing situations and needs update and keep track of what services are available to them and what services they’ve already tried.

Creating an account would serve multiple purposes:

1. It would replace program intakes.

A person could enter in all their information, and be able to see what programs they qualify for and what services are available. They would have the option to send their intake form to these organizations. This would replace program intake processes.

2. It would help coordinate care and communicate with multiple agencies at once.

There would be a space for both clients and staff to upload documents and electronically sign ROI’s. Staff at different organizations would be able to delegate and prioritize responsibilities and needs. Everyone would be able to give and get updates in real time. The account would both be a method of contact, and allow clients to update their methods of contact. They would also have the ability to add notes if the service they were connected to doesn’t work out, so social workers can get a better idea of what services would be more accessible, or the client would feel comfortable reaching out again if their situation changed.

3. It would help identify needs.

If they know what service they need, they could enter a service type as seen in definitions. If they aren’t sure and don’t have the bandwidth to find the name of it, they could write a description to give social workers a better idea of what they are looking for.

It’s also important to note what they were originally looking for. If the service they need isn’t available, (unfortunately all too common) they might have to make up for it by combining two or three other services. If case managers don’t know what the goal is, it can look bad on the outside if the client isn’t showing up or accepting services they asked for previously.

Clients could also identify their needs with a ‘needs checklist’, where they could click on a label for needs they are missing and currently seeking a solution for.

See Identifying Needs for more details.

4. An opt-in and opt-out feature for services within organizations would change the dynamic.

Services would be based on client/staff relationships that were a good fit. The term ‘good fit’ is common when describing client/therapist relationships, but it also applies to case managers, employment specialists, etc. It’s important to note that when someone is seeking services, they aren’t looking for a person with a standard job title. They are looking for someone who cares enough to do their job well- someone who understands them.

When clients decide who to see from what program, not only are they gaining agency, but resources are used more effectively- funding and billing would only happen based on the actual amount services are used, and services can be redirected to better meet the need. This is especially important for mental health services that provide medication- we are in a national psychiatrist shortage, and we can’t afford mental health programs that require medication to those not interested when people who both want and need medication are desperate for appointments.

The website can be set up in a way that is organized by agencies, but used by clients that would incentivize market competition to provide the best services possible.

5. It would allow clients to see their file.

There’s been many times when agencies just aren’t providing the services described in the intake. The reasons vary: partners backed out on the contract, ongoing legal settlements, the service is not accessible to the client's disabilities, but the most common issue is staff shortages due to low wages and micromanaging bosses. It leads to people falling through the cracks when, on paper, it shows that someone is getting services when they actually aren't.

If clients had the ability to see their file, they would be better able to see and confirm the accuracy of information written on their file. Clients can report whether service providers are providing them services or not. Identifying Needs

An account can allow people to identify what they need, and coordinate with multiple social workers.

An easy way to do this is with Maslow’s Circle of Needs. It’s an alternative to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which was criticized for its hierarchical structure. Different people prioritize their needs differently. An example of this is the “starving artist”, whose need for self-actualization is more important than their need for food.

People could click on a label for needs they are missing and currently seeking a solution for. If they know what they need, they could enter a service type as seen in definitions. If they aren’t sure and don’t have the bandwidth to find the name of it, they could write a description.

It’s also important to note what they were originally looking for. If the service they need isn’t available, (unfortunately all too common) they might need to make up for it by combining two or three other services. If case managers don’t know what the goal is, it can look bad from the outside if the client isn’t showing up or accepting services they asked for previously.

So what are your thoughts? Let me know!


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