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Notes: Segregation and slavery never ended, and it's the reason the US is becoming fascist.

If narcissistic abuse was illegal, we wouldn't have narcissists leading every area of society.

If dark triad abuse was illegal, we wouldn't have oligarchs.

If domestic abuse against women and children was taken seriously, the majority of abusive police & military officers, lawmakers, and politicians would not be in prison, not in office.

If people with developmental, cognitive, and intellectual differences and disabilities were seen as people, commentators who spread propoganda would be shut down and held accountable for taking advantage of them.

Victims of abuse and people with disabilities don't have legal rights and aren't allowed to participate in society.

In the US we've had a civil war, a failed communist movement, a civil rights movement. Despite this we haven't learned, we just go back to the same old patterns.

To my analogy of politics like relationships, a revolution is like getting a new boyfriend. A lot of times people who have had a history of toxic relationships, especially with their bio family, will leave one toxic relationship and jump straight into another. That's what we've done with our government. Countries accepting expats from the US need to understand that people bring their politically codependent traits with them- I have no doubt many have left because they "tried" when the only thing they did was getting their friends to vote for Biden. I have no doubt there will be a scramble of the significant portion of trans republicans trying to escape when the people they voted for, who said they would hurt them, do.

Politically there are somewhat obvious things that can be done. Ban abuse. Ensure human rights. Everyone gets their basic needs met. Protect the quality and right to education. Mixed-use city planning. Replace most cars with public transit.

The bigger thing we must recon with culture and enforcement. Education and covering exit costs would help. But people break laws all the time; but whether it gets enforced depends on priviledge. People who are disabled and homeless could easily make class action suits against a significant number of industries; but in a culture where their life doesn't matter, they will sue until the day they die and the abuse will never stop.

I don't know the answer to this. It is a systems thinking issue, and I never had the opportunity to really analyze everything. In addition to the archetypes Donella Meadows listed, we have to consider the archetypes of common abuse dynamics. Anything else I could say on solving abuse dynamics in a situation where the abuser refuses to change, probably would go against wix's terms of service.

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