Narcisstic abuse dynamics are most commonly understood in family or intimate partner settings. The narcissist abuses other people in a pattern of:
-love bombing, with gifts and false promises
-emotional abuse, yelling and saying the most hurtful things possible
-gaslighting, pretending it didn't happen
-discarding, abandonment
-hoovering, trying to suck them back into the relationship
Most often, they choose one person choose to unleash their anger on- the scapegoat- and contrasts them against the golden child, who gets love and attention. There may be other siblings that are brainwashed to believe the abuse is normal. Often in public they are charming, and they use this charm to make the scapegoat appear unreliable if they try to get help or tell people what's going on. I think these dynamics might be able to explain political dynamics in the United States.
People who are Jewish have popularized the word "scapegoat" to describe the antisemitism they have experienced around the world. I think other groups can experience scapegoating as well.
People who are black have frequently identified gaslighting as one of the forms of racism they experience.
Activists and journalists experience harassment and are targeted for their work. This seems to resemble the "truth teller" sub-type of the scapegoat role.
People who vote against their interests, have an unhealthy obsession with patriotism, and do not question propoganda seem similar to the brainwashed child role.
I've observed entreprenuers and small business owners recieve significant social support in media, where their problems and success seem to be prioritized above all else. I'm still figuring out how all this makes sense. When I've shared it, I had one person critique that narcissistic abuse dynamics oversimplfy political and societal conditions. I think it would be valuable to at some point identify what societal conditions can not be explained by these dynamics, and the reasons why. I suspect that further thought on these could lead to the realization that it is infact a narcissitic dynamic, however some societal conditions might have nothing to do with the dynamic. It would be important that if there were remaining factors identified, to check if they are part of a different distinct dynamic system.
Here is a starting point for how I think these demographics could be categorized. I'm no expert on society, so some of these may be categorized incorrectly. Please contact me if you have any thoughts on this. Covert Narcissist:
- Democratic Party
- Corporations
- 1%
- oligarchs
- landlords
Grandiose Narcissist:
- Republican Party
- Corporations
- 1%
-Celebrities and Social media influencers
Victim/Vulnerable/Vindictive/Malignant Narcissist:
-Republican Party
Cerebral Narcissist:
-Academic field
-Medical field
Invisible Child:
- Native Americans
- People with visible disabilities
- Intersex people
Scape Goat:
- domestic violence victims
- people who are homeless
- people with invisible disabilities
- transgender people
Truthteller (scapegoat sub-type)
- activists
- journalists (investigative reporters, not political commentators)
Brainwashed Child:
- Qanon believers
- working-class white conservatives
- fundamentalist & orthodox Christians
- conservative women
Golden Child:
-small business owners
I didn't have a lot of time to put this together, that's why this article may feel like a draft. there are a lot of other groups that belong on these lists. Keep in mind that while plenty of roles have stayed the same throughout history, some roles have changed.
The intersection of race, gender, class, and geography were difficult to identify of the top of my head. I suspect some of the categories may be different based on location in the US- people who are black might be scape goats in the south and invisible child in west. I don't feel like I can speak to either of those and might be wrong, it's just an example.
I think there is a possibility that many minorities and oppressed groups probably all fit into one of the non-narcissit roles, and have a secondary "wounded" role- narcissism is a vampiric condition, and those who are abused particularly severely become narcissists yet don't represent the group- but it feels like due to intergenerational trauma there are cultural ties to the type of narcissist they become- grandiose, covert, victim.
Most people don't understand these dynamics. It would be good to really discuss it and lay it out, preferably from the beginning of US history as roles have changed- ex. the switching of Dem. and Rep. party over civil rights.